Address Information

Office 96909, PO Box 6945, W1A 6US, London, UK

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Online Shop accepts the most common payment methods, including credits cards. Payment fraud detection techniques are being used in the time of purchase. Payments are accepted through different payment providers, like PayPal, Stripe or Woocommerce Payments.

We process payments through well-known payment providers like PayPal, Stripe and Woocommerce Payments. Your data is handled securely. For more information please see our Privacy Policy.

You will reveice two email. One is the order confirmation email, and the other one is the service activation email. The service will start after you click on the link in service activation email. The service will start earliest on the following day from the activation.

After pressing the link you may setup your account by filling in password. If SMS’s are enabled, you may also fill in your phone number. After the mobile phone number is filled, you may also receive SMS reminders. If you wish to use only email reminders, you do not need to fill in your account information like password and mobile phone number.

After you have placed an order through our payment providers, you will receive an order confirmation email into the email you provided us. The order confirmation email includes all the necessary order and payment information.

After ordering the service, the assumption is that you will use it until to the end. However, we offer you 14 day cancellation time, during which you have possibility to cancel the order. We will not provide you full refunds, but we can offer you a gift card or partial refund in case it is possible for the payment device you have used during the purchase. Maximum of 75% refund is made, if the service has been in use only 25% of the total length. Please see our Refund Policy for further details.

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